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Cancelled Monday Afternoon Idlewild Ride

  • 27 Nov 2023
  • 11:30 AM
  • Idlewild, 1201 Hearthstone, Fredericksburg, 22401


Registration is closed

Monday Afternoon Ride

Location:  Idlewild


  Idlewild to Belle Plains route (approximately 30 miles; 1355ft elevation gain)

The idea would be a moderately-paced ride --12-15mph-- starting in Idlewild at 11:30 but with the option of a meetup place downtown for riders who live there and are wanting to ride without a car (send Jeremy a message to arrange).  We can see how may show up on Monday and what the consensus is and then make it an official weekly ride. For Monday we'll plan to meet at 1201 Hearthstone, Fredericksburg, 22401, Fredericksburg, 22401).

I will plan to ride down Idlewild Blvd and turn right on Rt 1 with the green light (the only traffic would be any cars also turning right on 1) and then wait on the VCR trail to cross rt 1 at the crosswalk.  We could also go carefully down the mulch trail to the VCR trail to avoid 1. They have recently added some large gravel at the bottom of the hill on the Blue trail so going slowly or walking down that section is recommended.  In addition, for the Stafford section we would plan to take Naomi after the Chatham bridge and ride along the wide shoulder of rt 3 and then make our way over to the light and make a left on Ferry Rd.  We would wind through Ferry Farm and Argyle Heights and then be on Ferry Rd for a very short distance between Hillcrest and Clarion before making our way over to Colebrook to get to the Belle Plains route.

We can shoot for most Mondays throughout the fall if there is interest.  The routes may vary some week-to-week depending on the mood of the group as well.  Some weeks we may just ride a combination of VCR, Lee Drive, and the Heritage Trail depending on what the group is in the mood for.

Route;  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/44582676

Ride leaderJeremy Larochelle ;  jlaroche@umw.edu  (732)406-7477

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