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Wednesday Night Lights

  • 01 Feb 2017
  • 6:30 PM
  • Basilico New York Deli at 2577 Cowan Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Time:  6:30PM (Night Ride)


Location: Basilico New York Deli at 2577 Cowan Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401


Join the ride leader for a ~20 mile NIGHT ride on bike trails and downtown city streets in Fredericksburg.  We will depart from the parking lot near Basilico New York Deli at 2577 Cowan Blvd, Fredericksburg, VA 22401 at 6:30pm sharp. 


Mandatory equipment includes a functioning headlight (that can light the road commensurate with your speed), a tail light, and warm cycling clothes to fend off the winter's cold.  Reflective clothing is also highly recommended.  The group will stay together and obey all traffic and trail rules.

Intermediate bike handling skills are required and the ability to stay together as a group with an average pace of 15 mph (at night in the city and on trails this is equivalent to about ~18mph on the open road). Expect to be cycling until 8:00 pm while the temperature drops throughout ride.


Contact the ride leader with questions before the ride.  The leader reserves the right to prohibit any rider from participating that does not have the proper equipment or skills. 


Route can be found here: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18007698

To download a TCX file to load into your GPS, select "EXPORT", then select "TCX Course".  The download will work if you do not select any of the check boxes (those are options that are only available to premium members).


Cue Sheet can be found here: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/18007698/cue_sheet 


Ride Leader: Bob Broeking  bob_broeking@yahoo.com


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